coburg road
The site at Corburg Road is to the north of the HDV area and provides the vital connection the Wood Green district. It will act as a gateway to the master plan and link the public streets to the heart of the regeneration area. It will form an event along the route planned om the new town square (to the east) onto the west leading further towards Alexandra Palace.
The redevelopment of the site is becoming a critical part of the master plan contributing to the regeneration of the street frontages along this new primary route. The proposal includes the provision of over 120,000 sq ft of gross development on ground plus 11 levels. The scheme is mixt use with employment space on the first and second floors. The forms cascades from the high-rise scale within the Chocolate Factory development consented at 18 levels to a more domestic street scale to the south at Coburg Road.
Mixed Use / Student Accommodation
82,582.6 sqft student accommodation 40,792.3 sqft commercial
Symeou Family